Meet the Defined Coaches

Lauren Scholl

Founder & Head Coach

With a background in competitive dance and fitness, my body has always been a top priority. Before I had the proper training/education, I tried every “trendy” diet. I experimented religiously with all fitness programs from P90X to Orangetheory (where I coached for a long time).

It took me years to realize that none of these programs were really giving me the results I was chasing. I started to understand that there wasn’t one program that is suitable for everyone. I needed to take a personalized approach, and give my body specifically what it demanded.

I hit the books and obtained my NASM personal training certification, Human Movement Specialist certification from the Brookbush Institute, and Nutrition Coach certification from Precision Nutrition. With a well-rounded understanding of how I could use Nutrition and Fitness to yield results, I made it my mission to help others do the same.

I am now a bodybuilding competitor in the bikini division. I’m also a full-time personal trainer and online coach focusing my efforts on helping clients all over the world feel and look their best, and most importantly SUSTAIN it. With the full understanding that everyone leads a different lifestyle my goal is to create a program where my clients can live their best life confidently and have the energy to keep chasing after progress!

Whitney Jude

Assistant Coach

My fitness journey began 12 years ago with a simple goal in mind to transform my body into the one I had always wanted. Eager to meet my goal, I experimented with nearly every style of training and trendy diet that exists. Several years into my journey, I hired a coach and began competing in bodybuilding figure competitions where I learned about flexible dieting and tracking macros. I discovered my passion for results and the ability to coach others.

There isn’t a single diet or training style that works for everyone. Coaching requires attention to details and adaptation. My training style offers exactly that and allows my clients to have a balanced, healthy lifestyle, eating any and all the foods they could ever want while still getting the results.

Coaching holds a special place in my heart. I value each of my clients and find the best plan that works for you. My job is to teach you a lifestyle you can sustain the results we achieve together.

Lauren Roy

Assistant Coach

I am a personal training and group fitness instructor certifications through AAAI/ISMA and am certified in Biomechanics, Program Design and Nutrition through N1. I am also a certified Sports Nutrition Consultant, am TRX certified, and teach cycling classes.

I began my fitness career over a decade ago when I began teaching cycling and group fitness classes at my gym. I fell in love with inspiring others and the aspect of coaching individuals to see their greatest potential. After years of teaching, I eventually found myself working with the personal trainers in the gym and suddenly realized a strong passion for strength training, nutrition coaching, and human physiology. Over the years, I have helped hundreds of men and women take control over their health and fitness with education on quality nutrition and intelligent strength training as a way to enrich the quality of clients lives. I have a passion for helping others achieve the body and lifestyle they want, without sacrificing their happiness. When I’m not coaching clients, I am spending quality time with my husband and three young boys.

Sydney Hibbard

Assistant Coach

Hey there! My name is Sydney Hibbard, and I am SUPER excited to be part of the Defined FN team.

A little bit about me - I'm almost 30 years old, and I live in a small town in Kansas with my husband and our 3 cats, Link, Zelda and Phantom. In my spare time, you can catch me listening/singing to music, playing board games with my friends/family, reading a good book, and spending time outdoors.

I found my passion in coaching and empowering other women after going through my own health journey. When I was 19 and moved out on my own, I started struggling with depression and anxiety, and I turned to food as a comfort source. As a result, I gained 120lbs in 2 years, and the next few years were filled with near constant attempts to lose it.

At first, I just wanted to lose weight and be thinner, and I truly didn't care how I got there - no matter how extreme the method. I tried special creams, wraps, teas, cleanses, meal plans, and diets - anything that promised large amounts of weight loss in a short time period. I'd sometimes see a few pounds lost, but nothing that ever lasted. I eventually worked myself into a binge eating disorder. All the while, constantly speaking to/about myself terribly. It was exhausting, and I was terrified that I would never achieve my goals or feel comfortable in my skin.

Everything changed for me one day when I decided to stop trying to hate myself skinny, and started trying to support myself healthy, no matter how long it took me.

I hired my own first coach, and learned so much from her. I stopped focusing on being thin, and start embracing my strength. I learned to stop viewing food as my enemy, and learned how nutrition effects the body. I shifted my mindset from hating my body to being proud of her abilities.

As I continued achieving my own fitness goals, I began to realize that I wanted to help other women have these same shift and transformations, to help educate them and overcome their own obstacles. I dove headfirst into learning what I needed to in all things related to fitness, nutrition and mindset work, and had a constant thirst to learn more. My certifications include NASM CPT, OFNC and HMCC.

Jon Dobzelecki


Jon has a long time background in management consulting and business transformation.  Growing up overweight, Jon was active and heavily involved in many different sports, but he could never figure out why the weight wasn’t coming off and he couldn’t reach a “normal size”.  After ballooning to 400 lbs in college, he decided to take matters into his own hands.  Through a structured dieting program and exercise, he dropped almost 200 lbs and became an avid marathon runner.  

Over the years, keeping the weight off took hard work and dedication both at the gym and in the kitchen.  Eventually though, life happened – stress of climbing the corporate ladder, traveling week after week for work, and just losing focus on that previous healthy lifestyle. One day in December 2016 Jon decided enough was enough and it was time to refocus, re-prioritize, and put himself and his health first again. Jon made significant lifestyle changes which required major sacrifices – saying no to a glass of champagne at a wedding, avoiding the dessert table at a holiday party, spending Friday nights going for a run or taking a spin class. Jon was able to get himself back on track and “comeback” better and stronger both mentally and physically than before. This time though something was different, Jon became motivated to use his experience and own struggle to help others live their best life and achieve their own health transformation.

Our Combined Knowledge + Skills