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4 Ways to Break Through the Plateau

4 Ways to Break Through Your Plateau

We’ve all hit that dreaded plateau at some point! We work SO hard to get results, we see the numbers on the scale go down, we sacrifice our favorite treats and keep pushing...and then WE HIT A BRICK WALL!! 

Plateaus are tough: It’s hard to stay motivated when we don’t see results. We start to wonder, “why am I still doing this?”,  “What am I doing wrong?”, “What do I need to change?” Of course we assume there is some quick fix…”if i just change my  _____ I’ll be back on track ” fill in the blank with diet, workout program, eating times etc.

I’m here to tell you that, BEFORE you go changing your entire routine that WAS working for you- Check these boxes first! I know it may not be the “sexy stuff” that promises you the 6 week 6 pack, but I can trade you those 6 weeks for something that WORKS and is SUSTAINABLE:

Are you:

  • Eating too much??

Did you know that most people underestimate their daily intakes by oer 1,000 calories?? Those bites, nibbles, and “just a taste”s add up! 

  • Not eating enough??

“Starvation mode” is a real thing! If your body isn’t getting the energy (food) it needs, it will start storing everything it can. You probably know this as unwanted fat! Yes, it is true that in order to lose fat you need to be at a calorie deficit, but if you’re not fueling your body with the macros it needs to operate, your body panics. If your not 100% sure how to calculate your body’s needs- find a nutrition coach that can help you out! 

  • Drinking enough?

A LOT of people mistake thirst for hunger. Next time you feel like snacking, try drinking a glass of water first. Check in with yourself about 15 minutes later to see if you’re more satisfied. Getting intune with your body’s real hunger cues is a process. The more you explore, the more you understand how to respond to your body’s needs. 

  • Getting enough sleep? 

Sleep plays a HUGE roll in digestion and how your body utilizes the food you give it. Lack of sleep can lead to unwanted fat storage. Sleep can also affect hormone regulation, which will in turn affect the way your body responds to training- it is ALL connected! Try getting a solid 7-8 hours of sleep regularly and see how your body responds. Your body will thank you!

I know this is the stuff that seems obvious, but believe it or not- this is where I see the majority of my clients cutting corners. These factors seem so simple and unimportant when you put it next to workout programs or eliminating sugar out of your diet. The truth is, if these simple things aren’t consistent in your day to day life, the results you are looking for may not come. So before you go changing all of the things that brought you success until now, check yourself, adjust what you need to, and KEEP PUSHING! 


Coach Scholl