3 Tips to Help you Ditch the Cravings

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Are you someone who gets through their day popping sugar-free candy, chewing gum, or taking small bites here and there? These tricks may help suppress your appetite, but they may not lead you to the results you're looking for. 

If you find that you’re regularly hungry at certain times of the day (rather than finding tricks to help you white knuckle your way through) take a look at what you’re eating and WHEN you’re eating it. Here are a few tips that may help you re-evaluate:

  1. When you eat your meals do you have Protein, Carbs, and Fat on your plate? If you are missing one of these 3, it is likely that your body is craving something it is not getting. Make sure you are eating balanced meals to feel your best and avoid cravings.

  2. How often are you eating throughout the day? Some people operate better eating a lot of small meals rather than a few bigger meals. I recommend my clients eat something BALANCED every 3 hours. This does not mean a handful of chips, a piece of cheese, or a sugar-free candy. This means pairing a protein with a carb or fat. Portion sizes will vary by person, their body’s needs, and their personal goals- but eating every few hours will keep your metabolism turned on! For help with specific portions contact me.

  3. Late-night snacking is a habit a lot of my clients struggle with. If your cravings come in the evenings, take a look at the TOTAL amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates you’re taking in. If you take into account your activity level throughout the day (intentional and unintentional), does it seem like your body is getting enough fuel? We’ve been taught to track calories dating way back- but the truth is: 1200 calories of ice cream looks a lot different than 1200 calories of a well-balanced diet. Calorie counts may give you some insight into “good” choices vs. “bad” choices, but they definitely don’t give you the full picture as to what you’re putting into your body in order for it to run most efficiently!

Learn to listen to your body! If you’re noticing a pattern with your cravings- it’s not always because your mindset is “weak”. Understanding your body’s needs, and then fulfilling them, will not make you gain weight IF YOU DO IT RIGHT! It’s usually best to work with a professional to understand your specific intake needs. Following a general plan may be helpful- but having something customized for you will always lead to the best results! For help with a customized plan feel free to reach out - That’s what I’m here for!


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