Defined Fitness & Nutrition

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A New Journey

Never in a million years could I have imagined prepping for my first bikini competition. I hadn’t even put a bikini on in over 6 years (my pre-mommy days) because, even at my tiniest, I was self conscious of my body. I stepped away from my career in competitive dance 10 years ago, and the truth was, I missed competing. I loved having something specific to work for, and the fire it lit inside me to become my very best.

As I transitioned to a personal trainer, I realized I was lacking an identity in the fitness field. I was always known as “the former competitive dancer”. I hated that word “former” and knew I had to find my new “current”. It was my opportunity to re-invent myself AND re-light that fire! I saw bodybuilding as a chance to make my mark, gain experience, be my own guinea pig, and put all of my studies to the ultimate test!

I sat down with my coach to assess my intentions and expectations, along with the reality of sacrifices, expenses, and lifestyle that would be required to meet these new goals. In my experience as a personal trainer, I’ve had many clients come to me with fitness model pictures, and tell me “I want to look like that!” but most don’t realize what that requires day to day. Its a funny scale when it comes to aesthetics. Typically the higher your aesthetic goals, the bigger the sacrifice, and at some point that can affect your mental well being (happiness, stress levels, sleep etc.)

For me personally, I came to the conclusion that this would actually GIVE me a sense of self, and also allow me to experience what my own clients go through as we work together. I knew this would make me a better trainer, and help me redefine my mission in the fitness field.

The next step was looking at my starting point. After years of high cardio, and a constant fluctuating diet, I was a stick with a little muscle definition that would occasionally peek through. I also never imagined that I’d share these pictures, but I guess this is part of the process of sharing my story. From here I determined my goals: Build shoulders (about double the size), Trim waist, grow my Glutes (again about double the size) and skim the fat. The hardest pill I had to swallow, was that in order for me to achieve these goals, I was going to have to put on the pounds. GULP! If I was going to do this, I had to commit 110% so here went nothing!

This was a TALL order. I had A LOT of work to do, but I knew I needed to start by putting one foot in front of the other and focus on one day at a time!

Continue to follow my journey including my meal plans, workout programs, and progress!